Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links, and if you click on them and purchase a product, we will receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Goodpetparent.com only shares products that we strongly believe in and feel would be beneficial for our readers. Heart disease is currently the leading cause of death in humans, […]
My Veterinarian Recommends a Biopsy – Now What?
Few things seem to strike more fear into the hearts of pet parents than hearing these words from your veterinarian: “I’m recommending a biopsy.” The fact is, many pets at some point in their lives will undergo a biopsy procedure. As pets get older, their chances of developing abnormal growths and/or cancer increases. A biopsy […]
Do Animals Dream?
There are certain things I’ve always wondered about ever since I was a kid. Is there life on other planets? What happens after we die? Why isn’t there mouse-flavored cat food? But one thing that’s always fascinated me is the question of “Do animals dream?” Observing my dogs and cats over the years as they […]
Foxtails and Your Pets: What You Need to Know
Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links, and if you click on them and purchase a product, we will receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Goodpetparent.com only shares products that we strongly believe in and feel would be beneficial for our readers. There’s nothing quite like escaping a hectic schedule and taking a […]
Your Pet’s Fecal Test: The Straight Poop
Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links, and if you click on them and purchase a product, we will receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Goodpetparent.com only shares products that we strongly believe in and feel would be beneficial for our readers. Okay, let’s be honest. Could there possibly be a less glamorous […]