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The other day I was walking through a large pet-supply retail store (the kitties needed food, again!) when I spotted a beautiful black lab puppy. Immediately, my “squee” alert went off… this puppy was so adorable, I think I might have actually gone a little weak in the knees.
But that moment was short-lived when my gaze went straight to the metal contraption around his neck. This little puppy, who couldn’t have been more than 5 months old, was sporting a rather large prong collar.
The person attached to the other end of the leash was male, appeared to be mid-60’s, and couldn’t have looked more kindly. In fact, he reminded me of my own Grandpa. The puppy was walking very quietly, not frantically pulling or scrambling against the leash, and the entire scenario reminded me of the old analogy about using an AK-47 to kill a mosquito. It made my heart sink.
Somewhere along the way, this gentleman had obviously been told that prong collars were an effective training method for puppies. As you’ve probably already guessed from the title of this article, I happen to disagree. Do I think this man was being intentionally cruel? Absolutely not. Do I think there are several outdated training collars still available that people have been told are safe and effective for their dogs? You betcha.
I realize there are many people, including some dog trainers, who would disagree with that belief. So let’s take a look at 3 of the most common aversive training collars – choke collars, prong collars, and shock collars – and you can draw your own conclusions.
Choke Collars
Choke collars (also called “choke chains” or “slip chains”) consist of a long metal chain with rings at either end that can be formed into a loop that slips over a dog’s head and rests high up on his neck, just behind the ears. The chain adjusts tighter when pulled and looser when released. Training with this collar involves giving a quick, sharp jerk on the leash (called a pop or correction) to get the dog to stop whatever unwanted behavior he’s doing.
The idea behind the choke collar is that once the dog knows he’ll get a strong correction when he does something undesirable, you’ll be able to give him “lighter” corrections to remind him that a stronger, more painful one will soon follow if he doesn’t comply.
Some people say that choke collars are effective because dogs don’t like the metallic sound of the collar being jerked, and this is enough to get them to behave. However, there’s no evidence to support this. If this were true, you should simply be able to play a recording of a sound a dog doesn’t like to get him to behave, instead of having to make the sound yourself – and we know that’s not going to be very effective.
What the dog actually is responding to is the sensation of increasing pressure against his neck and the feeling of discomfort or pain caused by the sharp jerk of the leash. Even if used without corrections, choke collars can still cause damage to a dog’s head, neck and spinal cord simply from him pulling against the leash and tightening the noose. Documented damage from choke collars has included:
- Injuries to the thyroid gland, trachea (windpipe), and esophagus.
- Damage to nerves in the neck and spinal cord.
- A rise in intraocular pressure (pressure inside the eyeballs) from pressure against the neck, resulting in eye injury or worsening of glaucoma.
- Neck sprain.
- Fractured neck vertebrae.
- Fainting.
- Temporary paralysis.
- Tracheal collapse (especially in brachycephalic breeds with short noses, protruding eyes, and small tracheas, like Pugs and Bulldogs).
- Neurological damage leading to Horner’s Syndrome, a condition that can cause changes to the pupils of the eye and lameness in the front legs.
Additionally, there have been tragic cases where people have left choke collars on their unsupervised dogs, who got the collars caught on fencing or other objects. The more they struggled to get free, the tighter the collars became until the dogs ultimately strangled to death.
Prong Collars
Prong, or “pinch” collars, are a made up of a series of chain links with blunted, open ends shaped like spikes that turn inwards against the dog’s neck. The prong collar is designed to prevent the dog from pulling on the leash by applying uncomfortable, pinching pressure at each of these pronged points as they push into his loose skin.
Prong collars function similarly to choke collars; they are placed high up on the most sensitive part of the dog’s neck, just behind the ears. However, prong collars are believed to distribute pressure somewhat more evenly around the neck than choke collars. Some prong collar advocates state that the pinching action of the collar mimics the teeth of a mother dog grabbing a puppy’s neck to make a correction. However, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim.
In addition to causing pain and discomfort while walking (which can create even more fear, anxiety, and aggression in dogs who are already reactive), prong collars can also cause the same physical damage as choke collars, especially if they are placed too low on the neck.
In dogs who are already nervous and reactive, prong collars can make behavioral situations worse. For example, if a dog is fearful of other dogs, and he encounters one coming towards him and begins pulling against the leash, the pain from the prong collar will serve to negatively reinforce his fear of the other dog. He may come to associate the pain of the collar with the presence of other dogs, making him even more fearful.
Even friendly dogs who are not reactive can get mixed signals from a prong collar. If a dog sees his playmate approaching and begins to pull on the leash, the pain he feels can increase his excitement and arousal level, causing him to bark and lunge even more.
Shock Collars
Shock collars, also called “e-collars”, “static”, or “stimulation” collars, work by using an electric current passing through metal contact points on the collar to administer an electronic signal to your dog’s neck. This “signal” can range from a mildly uncomfortable prickling sensation to a painful shock. These collars are sold as training devices, to stop unwanted barking, or as part of pet containment (electronic fencing) systems.
The most controversial use of the shock collar is as a training device. The trainer uses a remote control to deliver a shock to the dog from a distance. Shock collars are considered inhumane by many due to the fact that they offer the greatest likelihood of abuse (trainers using shocks as punishment) and misuse (poor timing of shocks, which can be confusing to the dog).
There is no doubt that shock collars are effective – this has been readily proven. The question is, at what cost to the dog?
For decades, studies have shown that administering electric shocks to dogs (and other animals) results in a phenomenon called “learned helplessness” (as documented by Martin Seligman’s well-known study conducted in 1971). This is a state where the dog receives inescapable shocks, and after a period of time, the dog is no longer able to engage in behavior to avoid the shock. The dogs in this study simply just lay down and gave up any attempts to escape, even when they were still receiving shocks and the cage doors were wide open. Learned helplessness leads to an ongoing release of stress hormones that dramatically impact a dog’s neurophysiology and immune system. You can learn more about these studies in this article from the COAPE website.
There are also other problems with the use of shock collars:
- A shocked dog may associate painful shock with certain people or other experiences, leading to fearful or aggressive behavior.
- A U.K. study done in 2007 found big inconsistencies among shock collar manufacturers when it comes to the levels of shock being delivered. Two of the collars tested in the study actually had electrical faults, causing them to deliver the maximum shock regardless of which setting was chosen. Since there are no regulations requiring companies to comply with standardizing shock levels, this can range from being confusing to the dog to downright cruel.
- According to COAPE, an educational organization for companion animal behavior and psychology, fear conditioning such as that used by shock collar advocates is “not like any other kind of learning. It uses different neural pathways and invokes different memory systems that often have life-long, negative effects on a dog’s well-being.”
Fortunately, there are much safer and gentler alternatives to using a choke, prong, or shock collar on your dog.
Standard harnesses not only cut down on the risk of injuries to dogs who pull on the leash (while not causing dogs pain or discomfort), but there are no-pull harnesses that can actually help you train your dog not to pull at all.
There are 3 main types of harnesses used for walking dogs:
1. Back-clipping Harness
These connect to the leash on the dog’s back, at a spot between his shoulders. This takes pressure off the dog’s neck, eliminating coughing and choking. These are excellent for small dogs, or dogs who don’t tend to pull hard or lunge on the leash.
However, for dogs that tend to pull, these harnesses can actually encourage pulling by engaging the dog’s opposition reflex. In this case, a chest-led harness is a better option.
2. Chest-led Harness
These harnesses have a clip located on a strap that goes across the dog’s chest. Since a dog’s center of gravity is located in his chest, whenever he pulls, this harness will simply turn him around. He’ll soon figure out that pulling equates to not going forward – pretty boring!
Used in conjunction with positive training, dogs figure these out fairly quickly, and soon learn to stop pulling in order to get where they want to go.
3. Harnesses that connect to the back and chest
Some harnesses, such as the Positively No Pull Harness, have a clip located on both the front and the back of the harness. This provides even greater control over a leash-reactive dog who tends to lunge while pulling on the leash.
Head Collars
Head collars, or head halters, are similar in function to a horse’s halter. One strap of the collar fits around the dog’s neck, and the other strap forms a loop around the dog’s muzzle. The leash attaches to a ring at the bottom of the muzzle loop.
Head collars work well for large, energetic, strong dogs who jump and pull. They help control the dog by guiding his head – where the head goes, the body follows. When the dog exerts pressure, the collar pulls his head back towards the handler. You may have seen head collars sold under the names “Halti”, “Gentle Leader”, or “Snoot Loop”.
Head collars, when used correctly, are much safer than aversive training collars. According to Dr. Sophia Yin:
If this were a person, flailing on the end of a leash attached to an apparatus on his head, he’d surely have a neck injury. But anyone who has seen a dog that goes to town playing tug-o-war knows that a dog’s neck is built differently.
Because of this neck strength, few cases of injury due to head collars have been proven or medically documented (I actually haven’t seen any). Not to say injury could not happen. However, veterinary documented injuries caused or exacerbated by choke chain corrections and electronic collars are easy to find.
Here are additional tips on the safe use of head collars from the Humane Society of the U.S.:
- Make sure the head collar is fitted properly to your dog.
- NEVER use a hard jerk with the head collar.
- Fit the collar so it’s snug around your dog’s neck and high behind his ears, but loose enough around his nose so that the nose strap can slide easily down to the fleshy part of his nose.
- Never use the head collar with a retractable lead.
- Outfit your dog with the head collar only during on-leash walks with you and when you’re directly supervising him.
- Don’t allow your dog to wear the head collar around the house; he’ll have plenty of time to work at getting it off, and will eventually succeed.
- Be sure to read the information sheet that comes with the head collar.
The only catch with head collars is that you’ll need to acclimate your dog to wearing one before you begin using it, which takes some additional time. But with positive reinforcement and treats, most dogs learn to quickly associate the head collar with good things (treats and walks!) You can find detailed tips on how to safely train your dog to use a head collar on the Positively.com website.
Are Choke, Prong and Shock Collars Humane If Used Properly?
There are many people, including a few popular dog trainers, who still defend the use of choke, prong, and shock collars. These advocates maintain that, when used correctly, these devices are not painful or uncomfortable, they’re simply used to get your dog’s attention.
As for me, I’d prefer to “get my dog’s attention” in a different way. To again quote the great veterinarian and animal behaviorist Dr. Sophia Yin,
So why do I avoid the choke chain? Besides the fact that my philosophy of training is to focus on rewarding the dog’s good behaviors and removing rewards for unwanted ones until the dog forms good habits, there are many medical and safety reasons too.
So are these devices humane if used properly? I suppose the answer to that question depends on your personal definition of “humane”. Choke, prong, and shock collars work by inflicting discomfort and pain on dogs. It’s been proven that they contribute to neck, back and spinal injuries, as well as exacerbating behavioral issues such as fear and aggression because they don’t address the root of the dog’s issue.
Through aversive training methods, dogs may learn to suppress their behavior long enough to avoid the discomfort of the consequences, but it won’t truly change their behavior. That only happens with time, effort, positive reinforcement, and patience on the part of the dog parent.
With safer and more humane alternatives available, why wouldn’t we use them?
For more information on dog behavior and the use of aversive training tools like choke, prong, and shock collars, please visit these pages:
Natural vs. Contrived Negative Reinforcement
The Hunt For The Elusive Prong Collar-Loving Dog
Making the Decision to Shop Force-Free
Clever Alternatives to Using Aversive Punishment in Dog Training
Have you ever used training harnesses or head collars with your dog? What were the pros and cons? Please share your thoughts with us in the comments below!
1 Photo Credit: The Company of Animals
Lindsay says
I am a professuonal dog walker and have also taught obedience classes, trained many dogs, and I foster large dogs. I use all of the collars you mentioned. I use choke and prong collars and prefer a basic choke collar or a martingale collar for most dogs and puppies during training sessions. For powerful, extreme pullers, I usually recommend a head collar. A no-pull harness is also a good option for some, but they don’t always give an inexperienced handler enough control.
It’s great we have so many options, and you’re right, sometimes there is a much better option available that a dog owner is unaware of or just doesn’t know how to use. Head collars, for example, are often confusing to people who have never seen them before. Prong collars are another example.
Camille Schake says
Hi Lindsay, thanks for your input! My biggest concern with choke and prong collars remains their ability to cause injury, even when used by experienced trainers and professionals. When I was in veterinary practice, we saw several dogs who were involved in “training incidents” that resulted in neck injuries from choke collars, some of which occurred under the supervision of trainers at a nearby local dog training club (which had a very good reputation). I always thought that if these choke collar injuries occurred with experienced trainers, the risk of injury only increased exponentially when these collars were used by the average dog owner. Over the years, I’ve also read a great deal of documented evidence from veterinary researchers that, even when used as designed, choke and prong collars are much more likely than other collars to cause damage to the thyroid and salivary glands, as well as permanent damage to the cervical vertebrae and spinal cord.
With the availability of other training options such as head collars and no-pull harnesses (that have a very low risk of causing physical injuries), as well as positive reinforcement behavioral modification techniques, I just think there are better alternatives to choke, prong, and shock collars that are worth exploring. At least to me, the high risk for injury (along with the negative behavioral issues that might develop from using them) just doesn’t balance out any perceived positive results with regard to training.
kimberlygauthier says
Amazing post. Thank you for listing out the risks that come along with these devices. I’ve known that they weren’t good for our dogs, but never really dug deep into why we shouldn’t use them. Let’s pray this post goes viral!
Camille Schake says
Thanks, Kimberly! I’ve done a lot of research over the years on these collars, mostly after I used a choke collar many years ago to train my puppy. They were required at the dog training school we attended, but I was never fully comfortable with using them – something just seemed “off” about it. Then afterwards, when I started reading about some of the damage they can cause, I was really upset with myself. And I’ve never thought shock collars were humane! I know some people may disagree, but to me, if you have to shock your dog to get him to do something you want him to do (or not do), there’s just something really wrong about that. 🙁
Lori says
I totally agree!I think that inflicting pain to train doesn’t make sense! I want my dog to love me not fear me! Positive reinforcement training has been a proven method used by many dog trainers! Brandon McMillian of the Lucy Dog show proves his methods with all dog breeds sizes and ages!
Lori says
I meant “Lucky Dog”
odinmylove says
Hi, you quote Sophia Yin multiple times in this article in defense of using a head halter. Well she also has this to say on the subject,
“Most likely if dogs are pulling on their head collar a lot or running to the end, they may need massage or chiropractic care just the way people who work or study at a desk all day need back adjustments periodically.” -Dr. Sophia Yin
Human doctors really don’t like that we sit all day. The damage done to our bodies by sitting all day is monumental and evidence is showing irreversible, and we are even advised to get up and walk or stretch every 30 minutes.
Her off handed comment, pretty much saying oh well its not any worse than us sitting all day, is very misleading, especially when we look at the evidence of it, sitting is quite bad and making a statement that dogs will need chiropractic care after or during the use of a head halter suggest that, dogs are indeed getting hurt using these devices, despite what she says in one of the quotes you posted. And, I have personally spoken to veterinarians who advise against the use of Gentle Leaders and other head halters because of the heightened instances of whiplash that they are seeing, yes because of dogs throwing themselves and thrashing themselves against head halters or because owners are too rough in their use of the head halter. Her statement was based off her own experiences, not documented fact, and her very claim that dogs are not getting hurt due to having strong neck muscles is the very exact claim that promoters of prong collars make. Some perspective.
There are also veterinarians that don’t like to see the use of front clip harness because of the damage it does to dogs shoulders. “…these harnesses sit on top of the biceps and supraspinatus tendons, two of the most commonly injured structures in dogs’ forelimbs, particularly in canine athletes. She asserts that, just by logic, one has to assume that the pressure this kind of harness exerts on the dog’s forelimbs in an activity where the dog is supposed to be extending her forelimbs (i.e., running, walking), is not a good idea.” -Dr. Christine Zink
Just because we can not see the damage, does not mean it is not there and we can’t choose to dislike certain tools just because of how they look or pictures we see of damage and then ignore the piling evidence of the damage done by other tools.
I personally like to train a dog as long as I can without the use of any tools other than a flat collar and leash but I will adjust my plan and tools used depending on the needs of the owner and dog to ensure safety and results for both. We just need to understand the risks involved when using ANY tool and know how to use each of them properly and know how to educate our clients properly and unbiasedly.
Camille Schake says
Hi, thank you, I appreciate your feedback! Regarding the safety of harnesses and head collars, thank you for giving me the opportunity to clarify that point.
I’m sure you will agree with the statement that no collar is guaranteed to be completely without impact to the dog 100% of the time. Even flat buckle collars have caused tracheal injuries in very strong pullers, or in small dogs who strain against the leash. And not having a collar on altogether is dangerous because it gives us no control over the dog. So given the options that we have, I believe it’s our responsibility to use the safest and most humane collars and training methods available. This is why I referred in the article to head collars and harnesses as “safer” alternatives. I’m sure injuries can, and do, exist with the improper use of these devices, but there are far more documented cases of injury and damage done (both physical and psychological) through the use of aversive training collars like choke, chain, and shock collars than with head collars and harnesses.
This is why I made sure to include a list in the article with several tips on how to use head collars in the safest way possible. However, I do believe that if a dog simply will not accept a head collar and flails at the end of it (creating the possibility of injury), another non-aversive method should be tried.
The key issue in all of this is the use of non-aversive methods. If I use a head collar or chest-led harness, and the dog pulls against it, he simply gets turned around and doesn’t get to move in the direction he wants to go. If I use a shock collar, he receives a shock directly to his neck. Personally, I don’t believe that shocking a dog, or using any type of collar that inflicts pain or discomfort, is ever a humane method of teaching desired behavior – especially when there are other options available.
zoephee says
This is such an excellent post and thank you so much for linking to my page. I wish more people would be open to alternatives to these aversive devices. I would much rather see a gentle leader (used properly) than a prong or shock collar. Gentle redirection is all a dog really needs. These days I use the freedom harness, mostly clipped to the back.
Camille Schake says
Thanks, Lauren! I end up scratching my head when people justify using aversive tools because their dog is “high drive.” I think the high-drive dogs are the ones who are the most enthusiastic about positive training methods and end up being rock stars during training! And thank you for the great article you wrote on alternatives to using aversive methods – I was thrilled to be able to include it as resource in my post!
Dog Mom Days says
Adverse training tools like this make me sick. I’ve actually seen a man pull his dog up by his neck. If that wasn’t bad enough, the poor thing was wearing a prong collar. And it was at a pet expo! Ugh. I wish people were more educated.
Camille Schake says
At a pet expo?? Jeez. 🙁 I can only hope for a day when these collars will be in museum history exhibits – and not on the necks of our dogs.
Ashlee says
Can you please elaborate on how a harness helps me positively train my dog? I may have missed that part? I’m new to the dog owner world trying to learn. Thank you!!!
Camille Schake says
Hi Ashlee! Using a no-pull harness helps train your dog by how it is designed; most have straps that cross over the dog’s shoulders and the clip for the leash is in the front. Once you attach the leash and start walking, if the dog starts lunging forward or pulling, instead of the leash tightening up and going straight back (and you being pulled forward with the dog), the leash goes off to the side. This pulls the dog back around towards you. The dog learns pretty quickly that if he pulls on the leash, it doesn’t take him where he wants to go, but if he stops pulling and walks calmly on a loose leash by your side, he gets to keep moving forward – the direction he wants to go.
No-pull harnesses are different from regular harnesses, so if you’re wanting a harness to help train your dog not to pull you while walking, make sure you get the no-pull type. Thank you so much for writing, and good luck with your training! 🙂
Mike says
I am confident you are correct. But I know you are also wrong. It depends.
Mike says
People need to understand that prong collars are not meant to be left on their pet. They are the best tool for certain training situations. For example, a dog that is pulling and being a nuisance on the lead. I solved my issue very quickly with no harm to my dog using a prong collar. I was afraid to use one because of articles like this. I think you’re doing your article a disservice failing to mention where these collars are appropriate.
Kflower says
The Sensation Harness is the original no pull harness, designed by a very smart woman (equestrian expert) with the ring attachment in front. I learned about this product in 2007, and the minute that I used this on my newly adopted, rambunctious, jumping and leaping, 1.5 yr old Siberian Husky… this stopped her jumping and leaping forward, immediately- and without any pain whatsoever! 🙂 It is UNFATHOMABLE to me that ANYONE can defend- or use- such collars as PRONG, Choke, and/or Shock collars. They are remniscent of the tools of Medieval barbarism and torture. We have learned- at least in the past 25+ yrs- that punitive contraptions such as these are outdated tools from an age of abject ignorance, and lack of education. We have learned that only positive/humane training (NO AVERSIVE TECHNIQUES, and NO EXCUSES) are the only methodology that both changes behavior, and- that builds trust/safe and lasting relationship between dog and pet parent. Please do not go to any so called ‘trainer’ who employs these outdated, ineffective techniques. Pain-based techniques have been shown to CREATE fear-based aggression towards other dogs, and towards people. In addition, these tools can absolutely physically damage the dog’s neck, obstruct nerve function, create tracheal collapse, blood clots, and more. It is horrific and a losing game. I also, personally, believe that ‘head halters’ are not as humane as once thought…it is too easy to ‘accidentally’ pull a dog’s head the wrong way, and impair their cervical function/truly hurt your dog. I highly recommend a front ring harness for all walks~ If not the Sensation from Softouch Concepts (I believe it is the best), there are many other brands out there~ such as PetSafe, “EasyWalk”, etc.. Thanks so much for your wonderful article~ bringing these issues to everyone’s attention! 🙂