Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links, and if you click on them and purchase a product, we may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Goodpetparent.com only shares products that we strongly believe in and feel would be beneficial for our readers. Have you ever considered fostering pets from your local animal […]
Are “No-Kill” Shelters Really Possible?
In the animal rescue world, no-kill shelters are a fairly new idea, having come on the scene around the early 1980’s. Before then, it was common practice for shelters to kill animals whenever they ran out room in order to make room for more. Fortunately, the way people relate to animals has changed dramatically for […]
The Changing Face Of Animal Rescue
When you hear the words “animal rescue”, what images immediately come to mind? If you’re anything like I was, maybe it’s cold concrete floors, windowless rooms, and sad faces peering out from between metal bars while maudlin Sarah McLaughlin music plays in the background (please don’t get me wrong, I love Sarah, but I really […]
How To Start An Animal Rescue Organization – From Scratch
Have you ever thought about starting an animal rescue organization (and how amazing that would be!), but had no idea where to begin? Meet Sandra Schiavone of Cool Cats Rescue. Several years ago, Sandra was living in Texas, where she was the Office Manager for a veterinary hospital. One day a local no-kill humane society […]
Serendipity and a Wildlife Rescue Story
It’s been a long, hot summer here in Phoenix! Recently, on a 108-degree Saturday afternoon while driving to the mall, my husband and I were startled to see a tiny flash of brown fur barely moving along the side of the road near the concrete median strip. Before it could register, we were already past […]