This is a story about two dogs. Both are greatly loved by the same family. Both happen to be Pit Bull mixes. And both have been deeply affected by breed-specific legislation’s dirty little secret. What Is Breed-Specific Legislation? According to the website, breed-specific legislation (BSL) is “A law that bans or restricts certain types […]
Do You Even Know? An Open Letter To My Furry Kids
Whether we like it or not, all of us at some point in life will be forced to walk through the fire. For me, the last year has been a raging inferno, bringing with it the end of my 20-plus year marriage, two painful surgeries only 5 months apart, and the loss of my mother. […]
How A Tiny Little Kitten Saved My Life
So let’s just get it all out on the table up front…to say that 2016 was not the best year for me would be a massive understatement. Kind of like saying Adolf Hitler had a few character flaws, or a venom-spitting cobra might not make the best pet for your 6-year old. I mean, we’ve […]
When The “Good Old Days” Weren’t All That Good
Nostalgia can be a tricky thing. It’s in our nature as human beings to romanticize the “good old days”, fondly reminiscing about the way things were while somehow inexplicably glossing over the parts that were, for want of a better word, pretty crappy. I have to chuckle at some of the conversations I’ve heard recently […]
Bedside Manner: Why It’s So Important In Veterinary Medicine
Lots of people talk to animals. Not very many listen, though. That’s the problem. ~ Benjamin Hoff, The Tao Of Pooh Bedside manner. It’s one of those terms probably more easily defined by what it isn’t, rather than by what it is. Like charisma, you know it when you see it. And when you don’t. […]