Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links, and if you click on them and purchase a product, we will receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Goodpetparent.com only shares products that we strongly believe in and feel would be beneficial for our readers. Arthritis in pets is one of those double-edged swords; if we’re […]
Veterinary Acupuncture: Art Or Science?
Veterinary acupuncture is an exciting and welcome addition to modern veterinary medicine. Now animals, both small and large, can receive the same benefits from acupuncture that humans do, including relief from pain, bolstered immunity, and increased athletic performance. For many years, acupuncture was considered a mystical, “fringe” medical treatment (unfortunately, in some circles it still […]
Are ‘Animal People’ Born Or Made?
Ever wonder what makes some folks “animal people”? You know the ones I’m talking about – those who, after a long week, would rather stay home on Friday night spending quality time with their dog than go out dancing with friends; individuals who use their vacation days to volunteer at their local animal shelter or […]
Can Pets Suffer from PTSD?
Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links, and if you click on them and purchase a product, we will receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Goodpetparent.com only shares products that we strongly believe in and feel would be beneficial for our readers. Recently I saw an emotionally moving video of firefighters rescuing cats […]
What I Learned About Trust From a Formerly Abused Horse
The first time I laid eyes on Milagro, it was a beautiful summer day in 2008. I, my husband, and a friend were touring Whispering Hope Ranch in Payson, Arizona, an animal sanctuary and summer camp for children and adults with special needs. While on the tour, I noticed a striking, chestnut-colored horse with a […]