For pet parents, choosing a veterinarian is just as important as choosing a family doctor. Our furry kids are so much a part of our families that we would never think of entrusting their care to just anyone! Choosing the right veterinarian for our pets isn’t simply a matter of searching for the best reviews […]
Bedside Manner: Why It’s So Important In Veterinary Medicine
Lots of people talk to animals. Not very many listen, though. That’s the problem. ~ Benjamin Hoff, The Tao Of Pooh Bedside manner. It’s one of those terms probably more easily defined by what it isn’t, rather than by what it is. Like charisma, you know it when you see it. And when you don’t. […]
When It’s Time To Fight – And Time To Let Go
As a Veterinary Technician, I witnessed life and death struggles every day. In veterinary practice, there were always those patients that surprised you – the ones you thought were never going to make it who ended up pulling through, while others died from relatively minor traumas or obscure complications during routine anesthesia. Perhaps the […]
What is a Registered Veterinary Technician, and Why Are They So Important?
As a pet guardian, undoubtedly you’ve seen many different types of professionals busy at work in your veterinarian’s office or emergency hospital. Although the jobs of these remarkable people vary in scope, all of them have a single underlying purpose: to help your veterinarian provide the best possible care for your pet. A veterinarian’s staff […]